September 17, 2019
A high level of mutual understanding between business representatives and government bodies is a key factor in positive changes

What is planned to be implemented in this direction, and what has already been implemented? These and other questions were answered by industry experts during the second meeting of the «APTA Networking Club», which was held in the city of Samarkand on September 17, 2019. The meeting was attended by: tour operators, hoteliers, representatives of guest houses, government agencies and the media. Within the framework of «APTA Networking Club», representatives of the tourism business had a great opportunity to discuss in an informal setting all the problematic issues that hinder the development of the tourism industry. The European Union project «Strengthening rural and ecotourism through business associations for sustainable economic development in Central Asia», which is successfully implemented by the Association of private tourism agencies of Uzbekistan (APTA), contributes to the full implementation of this task.

The «APTA Networking Club» meeting in Samarkand clearly demonstrated that the format with personal communication between entrepreneurs and representatives of government agencies is the best opportunity to take projects and activities to the next level, as well as effectively solve urgent problems and get competent answers to the accumulated questions.

The list of questions asked by entrepreneurs was quite wide and varied. Representatives of the tourism industry are concerned about the issue of training personnel for the tourism sector. There is also a clear shortage of qualified lower-and middle-level specialists, starting from service staff (porters, hotel maids) and ending with guides who not only need to know languages, but also have extensive knowledge of history, Ethnography and architecture.

The owners asked questions about improving the city’s infrastructure, designed for a comfortable stay for tourists, while specifying their problematic questions and suggestions with examples and facts. Among the problems raised were: insufficient lighting of some streets of the city, difficulty in obtaining land for the implementation of necessary projects for the tourism industry. The participants of the meeting were able to get competent and detailed answers to all the questions raised by representatives of the Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region.

During this meeting, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Khokimiyat of the Samarkand region and the Association of private tourism agencies of Uzbekistan (APTA).

Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity, initiative and creative entrepreneurs offered interesting projects for implementation that will help make the stay of tourists in the city more interesting. Some participants of «APTA Networking Club» in Samarkand, who offered interesting projects and proposals, were invited by the Governor of the Samarkand region Erkinjon Turdimov to a reception for a more detailed study of the proposed ideas.

In General, the field session was held with a positive mood. All participants understand that only coordinated actions and joint efforts will help to achieve positive changes in the shortest possible time. And discussion of problematic issues in the «APTA Networking Club» format allows you to do this with high efficiency.