Azimov Sodir

36 years, Konigil village

Tourist dream: from a simple driver to the owner of a family hotel

Our next hero of the success story is Sodir Azimov, a successful entrepreneur. In 2020, he founded a family guest house in the village of Konigil in his own house with an area of 15 acres.

All it started with a simple cafe of national cuisine, which Sodir opened with friends in 2017. Due to the popularity of the village among tourists coming to the Samarkand region and wanting to taste Uzbek national dishes, tourist groups of up to 35-40 people began to flock here. Local guides, having visited Sodir Azimov, offered him to open a guest house here.  Since tourists usually stay for the night, or even more, and it's a long way to the hotel, this was the most optimal solution.

In addition to the gastronomic business, Sodir carries tourist excursion groups, this is his main occupation, with this he began his tourist activity. Sodir Azimov in the village of Konigil offers a whole range of tourist services. If, for example, important guests come to the village, he can organize a meeting accompanied by folk music ensembles, comfortable movement around the city, excursions to the sights of the district, lunch and dinner in the national style, master classes from famous chefs and now overnight in a family guest house.

Tourists coming to Konigil are often taken around the village, introduced to the locals and their way of life. For example, guests often take part in various family fests and celebrations, whether it is a wedding or the birth of a child, Sunnat and Beshik tuy, in order to familiarize them with local traditions live.

The tourist season in the village of Konigil begins in March. During the hottest season from July to August, there is a decline in the number of tourists in Konigil, and in autumn it resumes again, until November. During the peak tourist season, the village is visited by from 3 to 4 thousand tourists per month. But the guest house can accommodate up to 11-12 people. Therefore, Sodir plans to open another full-fledged hotel.

Taking part in training seminars organized by the Association of Private Tourism Organizations (APTA) with the support of USAID Future Growth Initiative Project, Sodir Azimov quickly mastered the skills of hotel management and hospitality. For him, this was only a plus to his achievements. After the trainings, he was able to open his own hotel business-the guest house "Konigil House". Today, the whole Sodir family is involved in the business: brothers, parents, spouse. They take excursion groups with their brothers, their wife and mother work in the guest house, establish comfort in the house and cook food.

The main secret of the success of Sodir Azimov, the 36-year-old owner of a guest house in Konigil, is the ability to clearly see the goal, family cohesion and devotion to his native land.

"If you are true to your roots and the land that raised you, any goal you set will be achieved,"- says Sodir Azimov.

The success story was developed by the Association of Private Tourism Organizations of Uzbekistan (APTA) with the support of the USAID Future Growth Initiative Project.