In addition to the gastronomic business, Sodir carries
tourist excursion groups, this is his main occupation, with this he began his
tourist activity. Sodir Azimov in the village of Konigil offers a whole range
of tourist services. If, for example, important guests come to the village, he
can organize a meeting accompanied by folk music ensembles, comfortable
movement around the city, excursions to the sights of the district, lunch and
dinner in the national style, master classes from famous chefs and now
overnight in a family guest house.
Tourists coming to Konigil are often taken around the
village, introduced to the locals and their way of life. For example, guests
often take part in various family fests and celebrations, whether it is a
wedding or the birth of a child, Sunnat and Beshik tuy, in order to familiarize
them with local traditions live.